Thursday, June 16, 2011

Only Half of the World Is Bright...

I've finally begun writing and recording my first solo album, title to be determined. This album is going to contain about three years worth of material that I've been writing, and it feels good to be gaining some momentum toward the release. Until then, I am trying to find more opportunities to play shows in and around the Cleveland area.
It's really difficult in a town like Cleveland where there are few places that will give an up and coming artist the benefit of the doubt and give them a show. But, such is the struggle of most young musicians. In this town you'd think that a new song hasn't been written in 15 years.
I'm looking forward to sharing more in the future and blogging my progress of my musical endeavors.
I'm also wanting to write reviews of new albums, reminisce of old ones, review live shows, and begin some collective correspondance for new musicians and artists looking for a medium.
Till next time.